Some might be wondering the status of the boys due to the asthma/allergies...
Well, I took Matthew to the specialist yesterday morning at the butt crack of dawn... UGH!
Why do they make us come at 7am?!
Anyways, they gave Matthew the allergy test and he is not allergic to anything.... Thank God!
I seriously thought is was going to be the dogs or the carpet in his room.... I think we will still replace the carpet, but it makes me feel so much better. I thought I was going to have to totally change my life up!! Whew!
The outcome is... His lungs are sensitive whenever he gets a virus/cold. So, since we don't know when he will get sick, we are going to prevent the wheezing from happening, by doing a breathing treatment every day. I'm not complaining since this is all it was and all I have to do...
The doc also said that most children grow out of this by the time they go to kindergarten!
So, go figure the boys go to MDO for two days and bring home some nasty cold...
Who's suffering?!
Made an emergency appointment at the doc's yesterday...
2 shots,
Musinex (sp?),
Cough syrup!
Now we are in business!
Bo,y do those shots kick butt!
I was feeling better by last night!
So, my painting projects (painting Lleyton's room) has been put on hold until I'm 100%
I will post pictures when we are all done!
Here's a little sneak peak...
Matthew's room in boats
Lleyton hasn't decided yet.... I'm thinking planes/ choochoo's!
Another thing.....
Valentines Day is coming up and if anyone is interested in some sparkle in their lives... Make sure to give me a jingle or email me @
Stella & Dot has some amazing things for Spring....!
Just love it ALLLLLLL!